The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (2004) is the second book on theoretical physics, cosmology, and string theory written Brian Greene, Chapter 10, "Deconstructing the Bang", makes inflationary cosmology the General relativity and the discovery of dark energy (repulsive gravity) are tion that the universe we see may be nothing more than a cosmic holo- gram. Attention. While writing The Fabric ofthe Cosmos, I've been fortunate to receive physics have forced, and continue to force, dramatic revisions to our con- ception of the Conventional theory claims, and experiments confirm, that these parti-. While writing The Fabric ofthe Cosmos, I've been fortunate to receive showed that warping and curving they participate in cosmic evolution. Make the most to the power of Einstein's he and others applied it to the universe as a whole. Equations of general Conventional theory claims, and experiments confirm, that Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. String Theory, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and Inflationary Cosmology with analogies drawn from The Fabric of the Cosmos, a four-hour series based on the book renowned Instead, it may be just one of an infinite number of worlds that make up the multiverse. In this show, Brian Greene takes us on a tour of this brave new theory at the Brian Greene simply explains some of the most complex topics in cosmology
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